Jan 20th 2013: New album "The Eternal Now" will be released February 23rd on Danse Macabre Records
be sure to check out the lyrics for it as we've updated the lyrics section. Tragic Black has a posted new song, "Doomsday" on their ReverbNation, Myspace & Youtube. Also, here's the cover for the new TxB album.

Nov. 10, 2012: Tragic Black band is proud to announce that their new album will be released by 'Danse Macabre Records' in Germany
with an early 2013 release. Explore Danse Macabre more here.
The band has already submitted tracks from their new album that will appear on compilation cd's in Zillo Magazine
& Sonic Seducer Magazine in Germany/Europe, so watch out for those. zillo.de & sonic-seducer.de
Also, with so much in store, be sure to "Like" Tragic Black on Facebook & check their ReverbNation page often, as the band
will have a lot to share as the release approaches. Facebook:
In other long-awaited news, The Dead Fall 7" Vinyl Record has been released & is available to purchase directly from the band
(every purchase includes mp3 download). Email: vision_black at yahoo dot com for ordering